He put's the date at 200,000 years rather than 6,000 but includes the caption "Adam & Eve". He's either sucking up to the religious right or he is also among the ranks of the seriously delusional. He seems to have been science, science, science, science - well except for the fairies.
The slide I found particularly interesting/shocking/sad, was his new(?) slide containing a graph of human population growth over the past couple hundred-thousand years. It started off good. He pointed at the beginning of the graph, showing the population of humans on Earth from 200,000 years ago, and referred to the "rise of humans."Cool beans. So he believes that Homo sapiens evolved from other hominid ancestors, right? Nope. In the very same breath, he then continued to explain that according to his religious beliefs, this "rise of humans" was God's creation of mankind - apparently 200,000 years ago. His graph then changed to include the caption "Adam & Eve" above this starting point.
... (link antidelusionist)
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