Some of the comments on Wonkette are pretty disgusting. Some people want ALL candidates for president to display their underwear, especially those who wear Victoria Secrets'. There may be a few but I'm betting that it's not Hillary. But if it is I really really don't want to see that either. Yuck!
Romney has just made his Mormon faith fair game
by John Aravosis (DC) · 11/28/2007 10:00:00 AM ET
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TPM Election Central reports that this week wasn't the first time GOP presidential candidate, and serial flip-flopper, Mitt Romney said that he wouldn't permit Muslims to be appointed to the presidential cabinet because of their religion. I'll be writing more on this later, but suffice it to say that Mr. Romney has now made his own belief in Mormonism fair game. If we are to look at Muslims' religious beliefs before placing them in the presidential cabinet, then why not look at a Mormon's beliefs before placing him in the Oval Office? Especially when that Mormon is running as a religious (right) candidate, someone who is promising to inject his religion into our politics. And he calls Muslim's radical. To paraphrase an argument so popular on the original-intent right, "Did the Founding Fathers really intend to hand the scepter of power to a Mormon?" Romney can't have it both ways. Either religion in politics matters or it doesn't. Romney says it does matter, but only when someone else's religion is the subject of scrutiny. His religion only matters when he intends to jam it down our throats after he's elected. Then again, both ways is the way Romney lies it best. First pro-gay, then anti-gay. First pro-gun, then anti-gun. First pro-choice, then pro-life. And now he's flip-flopping on whether the religion of a nominee is a relevant factor in their employment.
Actually, I'm less worried about Romney's religion than I am the growing sense that the man has no substance beyond his hair gel. (link AMERICAblog)
Mitt Romney's Underwear Cover-up
The Mormon Masshole and his bid for the White House are in serious trouble, due to the fact that Americans are creeped out by Mormons. New polls show 43% of voters will never pick a Mormon for president, because the Church of the Latter Day Saints isn’t crazy in the same exact way as Christianity.
That’s why Mitt Romney has launched a Mormon Charm Offensive by … refusing to to say whether or not he wears the magic Mormon underwear (link Wonkette)
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