Joseph Smith could have been one of the rising stars and role models for PT Barnum "there's a sucker born every minute". It's just amazing that anyone can be so delusional and stupid as to believe this silliness. I mean, you can try to get away with gold plates that vanished up to heaven 5,000 years ago or something but trying to claim this was a recent happening (early-mid 1800's) is loony beyond comprehension.
In addition to flip flopping and saying anything to anyone to appease
them such as trying to pitch his great white hunter persona to the NRA,
"well, I had a 22 and I used to shoot varmits".
He is known in Maine by many as a fraud who lies and ignores campaign promises.
Kindly note:
if you Google <"Mitt Romney" "flip-flop"> you only get 95,500 hits.
if you Google <"Mitt Romney" flip-flop> you only get 159,000 hits.
if you Google <Mitt Romney flip-flop> you only get 180,000 hits.
Very good read. Being illiterate was no impediment for Joseph Smith in his divine revelation and translation from the golden plates - which of course he was the only one to have seen and they subsequently mysteriously vanished up to heaven.
Mormonism: A Racket Becomes a Religion
by Christopher Hitchens, Slate
The actual story of the imposture is almost embarrassing to read, and
almost embarrassingly easy to uncover. (It has been best told by Dr.
Fawn Brodie, whose 1945 book No Man Knows My History
was a good-faith attempt by a professional historian to put the kindest
possible interpretation on the relevant "events.") In brief, Joseph
Smith announced that he had been visited (three times, as is customary)
by an angel named Moroni. The said angel informed him of a book,
"written upon gold plates," which explained the origins of those living
on the North American continent as well as the truths of the gospel.
There were, further, two magic stones, set in the twin breastplates
Urim and Thummim of the Old Testament, that would enable Smith himself
to translate the aforesaid book. After many wrestlings, he brought this
buried apparatus home with him on September 21, 1827, about eighteen
months after his conviction for fraud. He then set about producing a
translation. (link)